Mongolian police officers are eager to deepen their knowledge to effectively prevent and fight new and emerging crimes. Like his predecessors, Commissioner-General Sukhbold Tumurbaatar puts great importance to the capacity building of his officers to keep them up to date on the latest crime trends and innovative ways to effectively fight them.
“It is our commitment to continuously contribute to the development of our officers, so they can be prepared for the challenges that we may face in our efforts to create a safer world for our children and grandchildren” said Sukhbold Tumurbaatar, Commissioner-General of the National Police Agency of Mongolia (NPA). He further highlighted the crucial role of INTERPOL in providing its member countries with necessary tools and services for capacity building. The Commissioner-General added “After COVID-19 pandemic, the world was forced to adapt to the new normal. Even though it has completely transformed the way we work and live, it has also provided new avenues to improve the police staff, of which INTERPOL Virtual Academy can be mentioned as a create example”
Last year, to celebrate INTERPOL’s Centenary in a creative, innovative and intellectual way, the INTERPOL National Central Bureau for Mongolia in Ulaanbaatar (NCB Ulaanbaatar) initiated the “100+ I-Le@rn Course Completion Challenge” under the direction of the Commissioner-General of the NPA, who also serves as the Head of NCB Ulaanbaatar. This initiative witnessed the participation of over 100 officers from the various departments of the NPA, eager to quench their thirst for knowledge, despite their busy schedules, and obtained over 164 certificates.
Police Colonel Bayasgalan Nyamdavaa, Chief Inspector of NCB Ulaanbaatar, emphasized that “the I-Le@rn courses are important investments that reap immediate rewards in terms of knowledge and over the long term in greater output and well experienced police force prepared for the future.” The NCB’s Chief Inspector further explained that the “100+ I-Le@rn Course Completion Challenge” will continue beyond the INTERPOL Centenary, planning to include other national entities with powers of investigation and prosecution in criminal matters.
Recently two officers from the Interpol National Central Bureau (NCB) and the Counter-Narcotics Department (CND) of the National Police Agency of Mongolia participated in a Virtual Training on “Drugs Clandestine Laboratories and Passenger Profiling,” organized by the INTERPOL Drugs Unit, under the support of the Projects MAYAG and AIRCOP. “Project Mayag” aims to strengthen international cooperation and disrupt transnational criminal organizations involved in the manufacture, transportation, and sale of synthetic drugs and counterfeit drugs containing illicit narcotics. This virtual training course aimed to strengthen the capacity of law enforcement officers to detect and dismantle clandestine laboratories and to identify “drug mules” among travelers and international passengers.
Applying the knowledge and insight obtained during the aforementioned virtual training, NCB Ulaanbaatar conducted an on-site training for over 60 officers of the CND, the main body of the National Police Agency directly responsible for detecting and dismantling clandestine laboratories and identifying “drug mules”.
This on-site training, based on INTERPOL training materials, was organized as a continuance of the NCB Ulaanbaatar initiated capacity building program “100+ I-Le@rn Course Completion Challenge”.