
Дотоодын цэргийн тухай хууль/ON THE INTERNAL TROOPS ENGLISH/

2021-12-22 15:20:00



FEBRUARY 9, 2017                                                                                                                                    Ulaanbaatar City



Article1. Purpose of the Law

    1. The Purpose of this law is to coordinate the relations for the structures, functions, authorities and determining operational legal basis of the Internal troops /hereinafter referred to as the “The Internal Troops”/ of Mongolia.

Article 2. Legislation on the Internal Troops

2.1.      Legislation on the Internal Troops shall consist of the Constitution of Mongolia, Law on Military service, Law on legal status of military servicemen, Law on pension and benefits of military servicemen, Law on Police service, and other laws and regulations issued in conformity therewith.  

2.2.      In case of divergence between the International treaty of Mongolia and this law, International treaty shall prevail.

2.3.      Other relations that are not regulated by this law, pertaining to performance of duty for the Internal troops, shall be regulated by the service and operational rules of the Internal troops and the General military charter.   

Article 3. Operating principle of the Internal Troops

            3.1.      The Internal troops shall comply the principle of rule of law, respect the human rights and freedom as well as keeping confidentiality and hierarchy, having integrated and centralized management, and organizing security and safety measures flexibly, rapidly and steadily.  

 Article 4. Terminology

4.1.      Following terms, used this law, shall have the following meanings:

            4.1.1.   “An Internal troop” means the active military serviceman who serves to the Internal troops.

            4.1.2.   “Contracted military serviceman of the Internal troops”- means a person who serves voluntarily as an active military serviceman based on contract to the Internal troops.

            4.1.3. “State critical objects” means to be considered as the most significant institutions, industries and facilities with Government resolutions.

            4.1.4. “Safeguard of the objects” means the comprehensive operations that ensuring the day to day activities of the state critical objects, attack prevention and suppression, access controlling to the site for people, stuffs and transportation, and enforcing the SOP for Critical objects.

            4.1.5. “Service-operations of the Internal Troops” means the comprehensive operations that safeguarding the state critical objects, enforcing public orders, ensuring public safety, intervening the suppression of crimes, and implementing the other tasks obliged by law.  



Article 5. Powers of the Government

            5.1. The Government shall exercise the following powers:

                        5.1.1. To establish, abolish and allocate the unit of the Internal troops as a consultation with general commander of Mongolian armed force.

                        5.1.2. To approve the rules for service-operation of the Internal troops

                        5.1.3. To enact the additional allowance for the servicemen of the Internal troops in conformity of legislations

                        5.1.4. To approve the list of state critical objects

                        5.1.5. To enact the number of limited and contracted servicemen who shall serve in active service of the Internal troops as well as maximum number of staffs overall the personnel

                        5.1.6. Others specified in the legislation

Article 6. Powers of a Government’s member in charge of internal affairs

            6.1. Government’s member in charge of the Internal affairs shall exercise the following powers:

                        6.1.1. To assess the outcome of performances and reports of the Internal troops, and monitoring the implementation of legislation

                        6.1.2. Internal troops shall approve the type of special equipment, firearms, equipment and its user guide for implementing functions specified on the provision 11.1 of law based on proposal of the Internal troops’ commander with consultation of Attorney General.  

                        6.1.3. To introduce the proposal to the Government in respect to establish, dislocate and abolish the unit of the Internal troops based on proposal of the Internal troops’ commander, and to resolve

                        6.1.4. To deploy and dismiss the chief of staff of the Internal troops based on proposal of the Internal troops’ commander

Article 7. Structures and administration of the Internal troops

            7.1. The Internal Troops shall consist of staff /hereinafter referred to as the “Staff”/, unit and branch of the Internal troops

            7.2. The Head of Police central organization shall be a commander of the Internal Troops  

            7.3 Units and Branches of the Internal troops shall be headed by commanders who deployed by authorized superior organizations    

Article 8. Powers of the commander of the Internal troops

8.1 The Commander of Internal troops shall exercise the following powers:

            8.1.1. To organize and manage the integrated operations of the Internal troops

            8.1.2. To enact the functions of unit and branches of the Internal troops, and approve the guidance, proposals and procedures of activities

            8.1.3. To approve the guidance and proposals on cooperation with Police service

            8.1.4. To ensure the enforcement and implementation of rules, procedures, guidance of the Internal troops, except the activities regulated by military rules, in conformity of legislation after approval

            8.1.5. To approve the manual for occupational safety and the standard operating procedures for safeguarding the state critical objects

            8.1.6. To maintain the supplements of men power, firearms, equipment and devices for the Internal troops

            8.1.7. To make a decision on set up and set aside the High-level preparedness regime partially or overall the Internal troops

            8.1.8. To implement the decision of the Government authorities on conscription and demobilization as well as discharge the serviceman of the Internal troops from the active military service in conformity of law

            8.1.9. To conscript and demobilize the Internal troops and discharge from the active military service in conformity of law

            8.1.10. To deploy, exempt and demobilize the active servicemen to/from the position of officer

            8.1.11. To maintain the capacity building and man power of the Internal troops

            8.1.12. Others specified in the General military charter

Article 9. The Staff of Internal Troops

            9.1. The Staff shall be a Headquarter of Internal Troops

            9.2. The Staff shall be under control the Commander of Internal troops

9.3. The Chief of staff shall maintain the daily operations and deployment, exemption, demobilization of active servicemen to/from the position of corporal as well as interact with other organizations to implement the functions specified on the law of Internal troops

9.4. The staff shall use the stamps, seals and letterheads formed in conformity of rules

Article 10. Flag and emblem of the Internal Troops

            10.1. The Internal troops shall have a flag and emblem

            10.2. Government’s member in charge of internal affairs shall approve the design of flag and emblem of the Internal troops as well as application procedure



Article 11. Main functions of the Internal troops

            11.1. The Internal troops shall exercise following duties:

                        11.1.1. To safeguard the state critical objects

                        11.1.2. To support the public order enforcement, ensuring the public safety and suppression of crimes

                        11.1.3. To support the operations for searching, rescue, elimination for damages and urgent reconstruction when occurs disasters, catastrophic events and incidents

                        11.1.4. To safeguard the specific objects instantly and escort the passengers and baggage when needed

                        11.1.5. To participate in the special operations to suppress the terrorist activities

                        11.1.6. Other duties specified in the law

            11.2. Official activities of the Internal troops shall be regulated by service-operations rule of the Internal troops

            11.3. The Internal Troops shall be operated by regular and high-level preparedness regimes and to be at regular preparedness regime under normal condition

Article 12. Safeguard the State critical objects

            12.1. The Internal troops shall perform the following duties to safeguard the state critical objects:

                        12.1.1. To check and register people, vehicles, baggage and stuffs that accessing to the state critical objects.

                        12.1.2. To implement the rules and inspection procedures adopted by authorized institutions, officials, and monitoring the implementation

                        12.1.3. To support the elimination damages of disasters, catastrophic events and incidents in the state critical objects

                        12.1.4. To pursue the people who accessed to the state critical objects illegally and to detain and convey to the police organization

                        12.1.5. To prevent sabotages and terrorist activities in the state critical objects

            12.2. The Commander of units and branches shall enact the procedures with consultation of relevant authorities for exchanging information with the administration of the objects, local police and others units and branches when impaired normal functions of the objects

            12.3. The Commander of units and branches shall sign an agreement on cooperation and safeguarding the objects with the administration of state critical objects

            12.4. The back up force can be used for ensuing the security of objects when needed

Article 13. Support enforcing the public order, ensuring the public safety and suppressing the crimes

            13.1. The Internal troops shall perform following duties for supporting the police in case of lack of manpower and equipment to implement its duties obliged by law

                        13.1.1. To enforce the public order and ensure the public safety during the public events such as holidays, demonstration and assemblies

                        13.1.2. To suppress the public disorder arisen in public place and protect the safety of citizens, governmental organizations and properties

                        13.1.3. To enforce the public order when the chaos arisen in the prison with penitentiary, strict and special regimes and detention cells

                        13.1.4. To arrest the prisoners who run away in prison-breaking attempts and joining the search operations of missing person to be held by police and correctional service  

                        13.1.5. To ensure the safety of Courts and Judges

                        13.1.6. To safeguard the witnesses and victims

                        13.1.7. To escort the suspects, defendants, accused and convicted offenders

                        13.1.8. To participate in police patrolling duties aimed to enforce the common rules adopted by authorized institutions and in conformity of legislation, when needed

            13.2. The proposal and guidance on participation for public order enforcement, ensuring the public safety and suppression of crimes shall be approved by commander of the Internal troops

            13.3. The Internal troops shall support the execution deporting of foreigners from Mongolia in conformity of legislation

            13.4. Supplement of firearms for the Internal troops shall be forbidden when performing duties specified on the provision 13.1.1 of this law

            13.5. The justification and procedures that performing duties specified on the provision 13.1 of this law shall be regulated by service-operational rules

Article 14. Participation for disaster protection activities and enforcement the quarantine regime

14.1. The Internal troops shall perform the following duties to participate the disaster protection activities and enforce quarantine regime:

                        14.1.1. To take all necessary measures to save and rescue the human life, health and provide emergency assistance

                        14.1.2. To support the mitigation of damages

                        14.1.3. To protect the stray properties and prevent crimes and violations

                        14.1.4. To take measures enforcing public order and ensuring public safety in the focal zone

                        14.1.5. To control the preservation of stuffs which may cause of damage directly to human life, health and environment and protect them if needed

                        14.1.6. To take measures for preservation and protection of traces and evidences of crimes and violations as well as detain the suspects and escort to the Police

                        14.1.7. To fulfill the rules, procedures and decisions specified in the law and enacted by authorized institutions, officials in connection with the situation

Article 15. Instant safeguarding the objects and escort passengers and baggage

            15.1. With decision of commander of the Internal troops, other objects with the massive wealth, cash, radioactive producer and toxic chemicals or with the risk for potential damages directly to human life, health, environment and exposure of the attack shall be guarded instantly as well as to escort passengers and baggage

            15.2. With decision of commander of the Internal troops, the guard specified on the provision 15.1 of this law can be performed on agreements

            15.3. The Instant guard shall be ceased in case of guarded passengers and baggage are reached to the safe place or to be guarded by other organization and officials or disappear the potential damages and risks

            15.4. Chief of staff and an authorized official shall approve the occupational safety procedure on instant guard of objects and escort passengers and baggage


Article 16. Participation of special operations for suppressing the terrorist activities

            16.1. The Internal troops shall perform the duties that guarding the place for the special operations to suppress terrorist activities, with cooperation of police as well as save and rescue the human life, health and detect, secure and arrest the suspects

Article 17. Performing duties during the wartime, belligerency and emergency situation

17.1. The Internal troops shall enact the procedures on performing duties during the wartime, belligerency and emergency in conformity of legislation



Article 18. General provision on using the physical force, special equipment and firearms

            18.1. The servicemen of the Internal troops can use the physical force and special equipment for individuals and public, techniques and firearms based on the justification and rules specified in this law for exercising the functions specified in the law

            18.2. The Government’s member in charge of internal affairs shall approve the procedures on registration, issuance, recover and preservation of special techniques, equipment, firearms and bullets’ list for the servicemen of the Internal troops

            18.3. The Government’s member in charge of internal affairs shall approve the procedures on ensuring the preparation to use physical force, special equipment, tools and firearms to exercise the functions specified in this law

            18.4. The servicemen of the Internal troops shall adhere the following common procedures to use physical force, special equipment and firearms:

                        18.4.1. To use only in conformity of justification and procedures specified in the law

                        18.4.2. Shall not prioritize to use

                        18.4.3. To use properly in line with the situation and aspire for causing the least damages

            18.5. The servicemen of the Internal troops shall immediately inform the damages, which caused by using the physical force, special equipment and firearms for human life and health to the medical service and provide first aid while notifying to the supervisor and the supervisor shall notify to the prosecutor

            18.6. The servicemen of the Internal troops shall provide enough time to follow the lawful orders and warn prior to use the physical force, special equipment except in case of immediate use

            18.7. The servicemen of the Internal troops shall be not responsible for outcome of using the physical force, special equipment and firearms in conformity of justifications and procedures specified in the law

            18.8. The servicemen of the Internal troops shall use the special equipment and firearms according to the law and procedures specified in the General military charter when performing  official, combat and shift duties as a guardian in or outside of the military facility except in case of exercising the functions specified in this law

Article 19. Using physical force

            19.1. The servicemen of the Internal troops shall use the physical force in following situations:

                        19.1.1. Dis-follow the lawful orders of the servicemen of the Internal troops

                        19.1.2. Resisting when escorting to the detention cell and police station

                        19.1.3. In other situations that using the special equipment for individuals and firearms specified in this law

            19.2. Physical force shall be forbidden by servicemen of the Internal troops for juveniles, pregnant women, disabled people and people who obviously noticed with injuries except in following situations:

                        19.2.1. To be attacked as causing potential damages for life, health of him/herself or someone

                        19.2.2. Interception of suicide attempts and causing potential damages for health of him/herself

                        19.2.3. To prevent the serious damages for someone’s property

            19.3. Using the physical force is the action that the servicemen of the Internal troops shall restrict movement of someone using the specialized physical training of him/her

Article 20. Types of the Special equipment

            20.1. The Internal troops and the servicemen shall use the following special equipment:

                        20.1.1. For Individuals

                        20.1.2. For the Public

                        20.1.3. Other

            20.2. The Helicopter, special armored personnel carrier, security equipment for engineer-techniques, amphibious vehicle, other vehicles equipped with special tools, stop strips, fire tools, lights, audio tools, special painter, mark tools and other special tools and service dogs can be used in operation of the Internal troops  

            20.3. The servicemen of the Internal troops shall be supplied with security special equipment when on duty

Article 21. Special equipment for Individuals

            21.1. The Special equipment for Individuals is following:

                        21.1.1. Handcuffs

                        21.1.2. Baton

                        21.1.3. Electric shock weapon

                        21.1.4. Gun and spray loaded by tear gas and pepper spray

                        21.1.5. Gun with rubber and plastic bullets

                        21.1.6. Other special equipment for Individuals

Article 22. Using the special equipment for Individuals

            22.1. The servicemen of the Internal troops shall use the special equipment for Individuals in following situations:

                        22.1.1. To intercept the potential damages for life, health of him/herself or someone

                        22.1.2. To intercept the crimes and violations and apprehend the suspects

                        22.1.3. To detain the people who is armed and may react using the arms

                        22.1.4. To escort the defendants and convicted offenders who attempted to escape using force when conveying the suspect to the police

                        22.1.5. To prevent the suicide attempts, causing potential damages for his/her health and escape the people who is under control

                        22.1.6. People who cannot control him/herself or used alcohol, drug, psychoactive substances due to the psychopath and strong emotional shock, attacked or resisted with showing cruel manner for causing potential damages for someone’s life, health, properties

                        22.1.7. Occupation of guarded objects, baggage, passengers, offices and release the street, traffic, guarded objects from the siege

                        22.1.8. Lawful order of the servicemen of the Internal troops is not followed and reacted by using force to exercise the functions specified in the law

                        22.1.9. Group violation of public order, or suppression of public disorder, suspension of illegal demonstration, protection of guarded objects and baggage from the illegal attacks

                        22.1.10. Lawful order of authorized official for stopping vehicle is not followed and escaped

                        22.1.11. In other situations for using the firearms specified in this law

            22.2. Special equipment for individuals shall be forbidden for juveniles, pregnant women, disabled people, elders and people who obviously noticed with injuries except in following situations:

                        22.2.1. Armed or mobbed as causing potential damages for servicemen of the Internal troops and someone’s life and health

                        22.2.2. People armed with firearms and arms which may cause potential damages to someone’s life and health are not followed lawful order that to be confiscated firearms and refused in that way

                        22.2.3. Potential suicide attempts

            22.3. The servicemen of the Internal troops shall make a decision independently on using the special equipment for individuals in line with situation

Article 23. Special equipment for public

            23.1. The Special equipment for public is following:

                        23.1.1. Tear gas and pepper spray for public

                        23.1.2. Mounted water cannon

                        23.1.3. Smoke grenade

                        23.1.4. Other equipment for public

Article 24. Using the special equipment for public

            24.1. Commander of the unit and branches of the Internal troops or officials who commanding the ongoing operations shall make a decision on using the special equipment for public with authorization of commander of the unit and branches

            24.2. Special equipment for public shall be used in following situations:

                        24.2.1. To Mob and react as causing potential damages for servicemen of the Internal troops and someone’s life and health

                        24.2.2. Group assault and assault attempts to the guarded objects, baggage, passengers

                        24.2.3. Occupation of guarded objects, baggage, passengers, offices and release the street, traffic, guarded objects from the siege

                        24.2.4. To suppress and arrest the group commitment of crimes as causing potential damages for people’s life and health and arrest  

                        24.2.5. Group of people with firearms and other arms that may cause serious damages for people’s life and health be not followed the lawful orders that to be confiscated the firearms and reacted in that way

                        24.2.6. To suppress the public order violation or public disorder and forcefully dispersing the violent demonstrations  

24.2.7. The chaos arisen in the prison with penitentiary, strict and special regimes and detention cells

            24.3. The following measures shall be taken prior using special equipment for public:

                        24.3.1. To notify the prosecutor, if possible

                        24.3.2. To warn about the use of special equipment and demand to leave the protected zones

                        24.3.3. To agitate intruders for leaving the protected zones and inform the potential effects of special equipment

                        24.3.4. To call the emergency service to come at the certain place and location

            24.4. Warning and agitation specified on the provision 24.3 of this law shall be organized as taking measures that using the all way for delivering to majority of people who may be exposure special equipment’s effects 

            24.5. Special equipment for public shall be used directly for not following the order specified on the provision 24.3.2 of this law or in case of faced the real danger that may damage for people’s life and health

            24.6. After using the special equipment for public, the organizations held operations shall take following measures in cooperation with relevant professional authorities:

                        24.6.1. To check if there is intoxicated people and animals as well as escape of explosive, chemical and dangerous substances and sources of fire risk

                        24.6.2. To provide medical first aid and involve the other necessary service

                        24.6.3. To notify to the relevant authorities to taking measures for sanitizing and clearing the site

                        24.6.4. To provide the patrols and protection as well as advices and warnings on site until the end of special equipment’s reaction and disappear the dangerous situation

Article 25. Using the special equipment for vehicle forcefully stop/stop strips/  

            25.1. The servicemen of Internal troops shall use the special equipment for vehicle forcefully stop/stop strips/ in following situation:

                        25.1.1. To be faced with the need to stop a real danger that may cause his/her or someone’s life and health  

                        25.1.2. To be entered or attempted to enter to the guarded objects using vehicle as not following the order of servicemen of the Internal troops 

                        25.1.3. Lawful order of authorized official is not followed to stop a vehicle and escaped  

            25.2. Using the special equipment of vehicle forcefully stop/stop strips/ is forbidden in situation with risk for causing danger to public and at the place with heavy traffics

Article 26. Using the security equipment for engineer-techniques

            26.1. The Security equipment of engineer-techniques shall be used in purpose of saving manpower, ensuring the safety of objects and creating the density at the hot spots

            26.2. Prohibited zones, trace controlling line, mesh barriers, barricades, fences, spotlights, engineer facilities, alerting and controlling devices shall be included the security equipment of engineer-techniques

Article 27. Using the service dogs

            27.1. The servicemen of Internal troops shall use the service dogs to exercise the functions specified in the law

            27.2. Using the service dogs shall be forbidden for servicemen of Internal troops in other situations except as causing potential damages for his/her of someone’s life and health and assault and escape of armed people

            27.3. The procedures of training, usage and protection for service dogs shall be enacted in conformity of relevant law

Article 28. Justification of using firearms

            28.1. The servicemen of Internal troops can use the firearms in following situations as well as specified on the provision 10.1 of law on legal status of military officers:

                        28.1.1. Group or armed assault to the guarded objects, baggage, passengers

                        28.1.2. To release the occupied objects and rescue the hostages and stolen baggage

                        28.1.3. People armed with firearms and arms, which may cause serious damages to someone’s life and health refused to follow lawful order to be confiscated firearms

                        28.1.4. To mob or armed assaults to release the suspects, defendants, accused and convicted offenders being escorted

28.1.5. The situation that causing serious damages for people’s life and properties is arisen due to chaos in the prison with penitentiary, strict and special regimes and detention cells

                        28.1.6. To participate in the special operations for suppressing the terrorist activities

                        28.1.7. To assault with firearms during the public disorder and protect him/her self

                        28.1.8. To destroy the animals which caused or may cause the damages for human life, health and environments

                        28.1.9. To detain the people who armed and may react using arms

            28.2. Firearms can be used in situation of alerting, calling emergency, training, practicing and other situations specified in the law

            28.3. Government’s member in charge of internal affairs shall approve the user guide for firearms specified on the provision 28.2 of this law in cooperation with Attorney General


Article 29. Procedure on using firearms

            29.1. In all possible situations, shall take precautions prior to use firearms and the   firearms shall be used directly in situation of real risk arisen as causing serious damages for human life and health

            29.2. The servicemen of the Internal troops are obliged to take following measures systematically in connection with using firearms:

                        29.2.1. To take firearms at ready position when situation arises specified on the provision 28.1 of this law

                        29.2.2. To warn using firearms to the people, to set a certain distance and location, to demand for stopping illegal actions, or to ban the active movement

                        29.2.3. Firearms shall be used in case of people continue his illegal actions after the warnings specified on the provision 29.2.2 of this law

            29.3. Firearms can be used directly if detained people assaulted to grab the firearms of servicemen of the Internal troops

            29.4. The servicemen of the Internal troops, on duty, can warn to use firearms if the situation arises specified on provision 28.1 of this law

            29.5. Warning to use firearms by the servicemen of the Internal troops shall not be considered as firearms is used

            29.6. Commander of the Internal troops shall approve the procedures to inform for used the firearms in cooperation with Attorney General

Article 30. Using the special techniques

            30.1. The servicemen of the Internal troops shall use the special armored personnel carrier, amphibious vehicle, other vehicles equipped with special tools and special techniques in following situations:

                        30.1.1. To participate in the special operations for suppressing the terrorist activities

                        30.1.2. To release the hostages and occupation of guarded objects, passengers and baggage instant and constant period

                        30.1.3. To react the mob or armed assaults to the guarded objects, passengers, baggage and self location instant and constant period

                        30.1.4. To suppress the activity of illegal armed groups

                        30.1.5. To suppress the armed reaction of people who refused to follow the lawful order to be confiscated firearms and stopped the illegal actions

                        30.1.6. To protect the life, property and safety of people during the public disorder and emergency situation

            30.2. Commander of the ongoing operations shall make a decision on using the firearms and special techniques with permission of commander of the Internal troops




Article 31. The servicemen of the Internal troops

31.1. Legal status of the servicemen of the Internal troops shall be regulated by Law on military service, Law on legal status of military servicemen and the General military charter except as otherwise specified in this law

31.2. The servicemen of the Internal troops can be studied at the school of military and other domestic or foreign educational institutions on contract to build the capacity of the Internal troops

Article 32. Criteria for the servicemen of the Internal troops

            32.1.   The servicemen of the Internal troops shall meet the common criteria set forth in the law on military service

            32.2. Commander of the Internal troops can enact the specific criteria for the servicemen of the Internal troops in conformity of functional features of the Internal troops with consultation of Superior professional institution of military 

            32.3. The servicemen of the Internal troops shall be involved in the training and practices for obtaining military educations according to the law

            32.4. The servicemen of the Internal troops must be involved in the legal education courses and training and practices on using physical power, special equipment, firearms and special techniques for performing the functions obliged by law

Article 33. Rights of the servicemen of the Internal troops

33.1. The servicemen of the Internal troops shall have the following rights except as otherwise the common rights set forth in Article 5 of the law on legal status of the military servicemen for performing the duties obliged by this law:

                        33.1.1. To check the documents of people entering to the guarded objects and search the body, stuffs, vehicles and baggage of him/her

                        33.1.2. To demand to follow the rules and procedures enacted by legislation and general administrative acts to the citizens and entities and stop the illegal actions as well as detaining people who committed crimes and violations and conveying people to the police and officials for performing the duties obliged by this law

                        33.1.3. To pursue and detain the people who assaulted or try to enter illegally to the guarded objects and convey to the police and officials

                        33.1.4. To make suggestions on getting the information that necessary to perform duties normally and improve the protection measures to the administration of objects and other relevant authorities

                        33.1.5. To access free to the guarded objects during daytime and nights as well as search the suspicious vehicles and stuffs in the guarded objects for performing duties

                        33.1.6. To detect the people who accessed illegally to the guarded objects with the decision of the head of local police departments as well as siege the guarded objects to prevent the attack and sudden dangers and accidents and check the documents and search the stuffs of people in the objects

                        33.1.7. To confiscate the evidences of crimes and violations in regards with law and hand over to the authorities and officials

                        33.1.8. To limit the people and vehicles accessing to the guarded objects when committed crimes and violations or may cause dangers in the objects

                        33.1.9. To check the documents of people in line with justification and procedures set forth in the law on police service for exercising the functions provided on the provision 11.2 of this law

                        33.1.10. To check the documents of suspicious people and vehicles around the guarded objects and convey the detected violations to the police for investigation

                        33.1.11. Others provided in the laws

            33.2. The servicemen of the Internal troops, on duty, are authorized to detain the people up to 6 hours and guidance on detaining people shall be approved by Government’s member in charge of internal affairs in cooperation with Attorney General

Article 34. Responsibilities of the servicemen of the Internal troops

34.1. The servicemen of the Internal troops shall have the responsibilities specified in Article 6 of the law on legal status of military serviceman

34.2. The servicemen of the Internal troops shall be responsible to notify directly to the supervisors if he/she is investigated for crimes and violations

34.3. The servicemen of the Internal troops shall be forbidden to search, collect and use, disseminate the information on confidentiality of individuals and organization except as otherwise in the laws

Article 35. Limitation of rights of the servicemen of the Internal troops

35.1. Limitations specified in Article 8 of the law on legal status of military serviceman shall serve same as it applies for Internal troops

Article 36. Guarantee to perform duties of the servicemen of the Internal troops

36.1. Guarantee provided to the police officers by law on police service shall serve same as it applies for the servicemen of the Internal troops to perform duties specified on the provision 11.1 of this law

36.2. The servicemen of the Internal troops shall receive pensions and benefits in accordance with the Law on pensions and benefits of Military servicemen

36.3. For calculating the duration of employment for the servicemen of the Internal troops who worked at the state critical objects for a year as guard shall be considered as a year and 3 months

36.4. Citizens and entities shall be responsible for following the lawful order of the servicemen of the Internal troops

36.5. Administration of the guarded objects shall be responsible for providing conditions to perform official duties normally for the servicemen of the Internal troops

Article 37. Uniforms and ranks of servicemen of the Internal troops

            37.1. The servicemen of the Internal troops shall use a uniform and military rank adopted by decree of the President of Mongolia

            37.2. The relations of use, issuance, reduction, confiscation and reinstatement of military ranks shall be regulated in accordance with the procedures specified in chapter 6 of the law on Military service.  

Article 38. Financing of the Internal Troops

            38.1. The Internal troops shall be financed by the State budget

            38.2. The National Police Agency shall be responsible for financing, establishment and logistics of the Internal troops

Article 39. Liability for the servicemen of the Internal troops

            39.1. The servicemen of the Internal troops who violated the laws, military oath, provisions of Military chapter shall be charged the responsibilities specified in the relevant laws

Article 40. Entry into force of the law

This law shall come into force on September 1, 2017



Цагдаа, дотоодын цэргийн байгууллагын удирдах ажилтны 2025 оны нэгдсэн зөвлөгөөн эхэллээ
Цагдаа, дотоодын цэргийн байгууллагын удирдах ажилтны 2025 оны нэгдсэн зөвлөгөөн эхэллээ
“Цагдаагийн байгууллагын эмэгтэй алба хаагчдын удирдлагын манлайллыг нэмэгдүүлэх нь” сургалтад алба хаагчид хамрагдаж байна
“Цагдаагийн байгууллагын эмэгтэй алба хаагчдын удирдлагын манлайллыг нэмэгдүүлэх нь” сургалтад алба хаагчид хамрагдаж байна
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“Бидний бахархал” сэдэвт сургалт зохион байгууллаа
“Бидний бахархал” сэдэвт сургалт зохион байгууллаа
ЦДЦАБ-ын төсөв 2025 оны 01 сар
Цагдаа, дотоодын цэргийн ахмадын байгууллагын удирдах ажилтны нэгдсэн зөвлөгөөн зохион байгуулагдлаа
Цагдаа, дотоодын цэргийн ахмадын байгууллагын удирдах ажилтны нэгдсэн зөвлөгөөн зохион байгуулагдлаа
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ЦДЦАБ-ын төсөв 2024.12 сар
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Журам шинэчлэн батлах тухай
“Нутаг дэвсгэр хариуцсан цагдаагийн байгууллагын удирдах ажилтны бүсийн зөвлөгөөн” эхэллээ
“Нутаг дэвсгэр хариуцсан цагдаагийн байгууллагын удирдах ажилтны бүсийн зөвлөгөөн” эхэллээ
Цагдаагийн ерөнхий газрын дарга, Дотоодын цэргийн командлагч, бригадын генерал Т.Сүхболд
Цагдаагийн ерөнхий газрын дарга, Дотоодын цэргийн командлагч, бригадын генерал Т.Сүхболд "Мэндчилгээ" дэвшүүллээ
Цагдаа, дотоодын цэргийн байгууллагын удирдах ажилтны 2025 оны нэгдсэн зөвлөгөөн эхэллээ
Цагдаа, дотоодын цэргийн байгууллагын удирдах ажилтны 2025 оны нэгдсэн зөвлөгөөн эхэллээ
“Цагдаагийн байгууллагын эмэгтэй алба хаагчдын удирдлагын манлайллыг нэмэгдүүлэх нь” сургалтад алба хаагчид хамрагдаж байна
“Цагдаагийн байгууллагын эмэгтэй алба хаагчдын удирдлагын манлайллыг нэмэгдүүлэх нь” сургалтад алба хаагчид хамрагдаж байна
Гүйцэтгэлийн төлөвлөгөө батлах үйл ажиллагаа боллоо
Гүйцэтгэлийн төлөвлөгөө батлах үйл ажиллагаа боллоо
“Бидний бахархал” сэдэвт сургалт зохион байгууллаа
“Бидний бахархал” сэдэвт сургалт зохион байгууллаа
ЦДЦАБ-ын төсөв 2025 оны 01 сар
Цагдаа, дотоодын цэргийн ахмадын байгууллагын удирдах ажилтны нэгдсэн зөвлөгөөн зохион байгуулагдлаа
Цагдаа, дотоодын цэргийн ахмадын байгууллагын удирдах ажилтны нэгдсэн зөвлөгөөн зохион байгуулагдлаа
“Dronecon” тэмцээн зохион байгуулагдана
“Dronecon” тэмцээн зохион байгуулагдана
Түгээмэл асуулт хариулт
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